Jegro - Sports Technology is a company established in Bogota, Colombia in order to meet the various requirements of our customers in the construction, adaptation and maintenance of sports, industrial and institutional spaces.
The mission of Jegro - Sports Technology is to provide high performance solutions that exceed the expectations of our customers; implementing professional participation and human quality, as essential to promote research and application of products and services last generation part.
Consolidate business leader and work that generates benefits for our customers, suppliers, employees and business partners group.
25 years of market presence coupled with constant research, training and expert guidance allow us to offer our customers alternatives next-generation backup and guarantees in each of our processes.
571 6941280 - 57 3012318098 -
Carrera 109 A 81 A 41 Bogotá - Colombia
Césped sintético - Grama Sintética - Construcciones Deportivas - Mantenimiento
Diseño y derechos reservados Jegro - Sports Technology. 2020